Business requires online data interchange leaving information needs solutions on the World Wide Web. Browsing within the boundlessness of the Internet, downloading reports, obtaining important information, a user is unintentionally falling under the impression that this process is private. It seems to him that he is the only one who can see this report and to see the website, and like the Internet is not aware of him. However, experts understand that user’s every step on the Internet is recorded, and information interchange is performed by open telecommunications channels, that is why this information can be freely intercepted by other users of the Internet. On provider servers giving access to the Network there is an “irrepressible stenographer” that controls every step of the Internet users day and night. What to do in this case, if it is impossible not to use the Internet at all?! How is it possible to stay invisible in the Network in order to prevent business rivals from confidential information interception? Is there an electronic “plate-glass window” in the stores of information technology, in order to make it possible to supervise on the one side only? Sure, information technology has answers to contemporary security challenges here too: these are data cryptographic protection facilities (SKZI) and their derivative VPN-technology. “What, does VPN-technology turn open telecommunications channels to secure ones?” – you are wondering. Of course not, channels remain the same as before, but all information you interchange in the network can be placed to a special digital “cocoon” with the help of VPN-technology that encodes it by data cryptographic protection facilities. A hacker will get nothing by interception, as in order to read it a specific “key” is needed. At the same time your work is not restricted by anything and does not require further steps, because VPN-processes work fully autonomously. You may use favorite programs as before, but now it will be absolutely safe.
CIT “Deltaincom” lets an individual and corporate user complete a range of tasks, such as:
Integration of mobile and remote users into corporate VPN;
Integration of several local area networks into one global one;
Secured Web hosting and secured access to application servers;
Protection by embedded information assets network firewalls of VPN network customers (workstations, WWW servers, databases and applications);
Protection of TCP/IP traffic in the network established by any standard applications and programs working in OC Win 98SE/Me/NT/XP/2000/2003 and Linux including programs of audio- and video-conference call and all possible B2B platforms;
Secured autoprocessing for financial and banking applications, protection of transactions for payment systems, financial statement network.
Core benefits may be defined as follows:
An individual user making active use of the Internet gets inexpensive and efficient solution for protecting own personal information and as a result personal freedom against unfriendly exploits;
Small and medium business takes possession of a flexible tool that lets manage business information flows efficiently and integrate a number of application programs into one unit using the cheap publicly available Internet without worries about loss, misrepresentation or theft of information important for business. As a result small business obtains effective, integrated and secured communications earlier being available to large corporations only;
Large business gets two the most important values. Firstly, now it can turn all ‘heavy’ and cost-based solutions in the sphere of corporate communication networks to more flexible and manifold cheaper solutions on the basis of Intranet technology without worries about confidential information loss. Secondly, ViPNet solutions for corporations are used by separate network and security control centers and allow the corporate management to perform a visual check of the whole network status. It excludes top-management total dependence on corporate IT-managers.